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Our Comapny Reviews
customer reviews

Reliability "IS" their absolute priority

I found this company on Google while searching for reseller hosting and reseller hosting plans. They are both affordable and reliable. The uptime I have had on my reseller web hosting is simply amazing!
- Bryan Gibson -

customer reviews

A true hassel free service

I did a purchase for a reseller account about 5 years ago, and have about 30 websites on this paticular account. I must tell you that every time I call for support they help me with my issues instantly, and the most of my problems were due to lack of knowledge in some areas. I will definitely be renewing my account to get their services!
- Jake Arnold -

customer reviews

Value for money

We have been hosting under mycompantweb.ws for almost 3 years now, and we own a Dedicated Server. Its the best hosting company in the world. We run more than 5 websites and these guys help us out with any problem you face. Their support is at it's best. Even our programmers guarantee them. Those looking for a host for their websites just close your eyes and be with them , we're telling you, will never regret.
- Chelsy Norman -

customer reviews

6 Years with this company and definitely looking forward to more

I have been using the services of this company for around 6 years now and thought it would be nice to tell you how my web hosting experience has been with them. In all that time I have never had an issue that was not resolved promptly and courteously. Support tickets have always been answered quickly and my issues resolved in a timely manner. I have never had to use phone support because the fast response to my tickets.
- Jess Taylor -

customer reviews


This year I'll be completing 5 years hosting with this company for my Reseller Account and I wouldn't even dream of changing my service provider for another 10. I'm truly greatful for everything guys...it was a pleasure watching them grow from a small bussiness to what it has become today...I still have the same impression as I had the very first day I started using your services.
- Michael Anderson -


I found this company on Google while searching for reseller hosting and reseller hosting plans. They are both affordable and reliable. The uptime I have had on my reseller web hosting is simply amazing!

Bryan Gibson view more

Why Choose Us?
State of the art UK, USA,
Singapore and India based
shared, reseller, dedicated
and VPS Hosting & SEO Plans
Reliability is Our Priority

Our plans are Guaranteed
to be Reliable,Rich in Feature and also Good in the Quality of Service Making us your # 1 service provider